How to Appease the Tai Sui in 2016

7:00 AM

Tai Sui 2016 location

The Tai Sui is located in the SW sector of your home this year.
The Grand Duke Jupiter or more commonly known as Tai Sui is the divine deity in charge of the world's affairs for a particular year. He is widely respected and paid attention to by the Chinese as he prevents mishaps and provide protection. 
Each year, the Chinese will identify his location in the home / working premises so as not to inadvertently disturb him. 
An offended Tai Sui will bring you misfortunes, from mild to the severe kind. It is also important to check if your Zodiac sign will be in direct conflict with the Grand Duke in that year. In 2016 is Highly recommended for houses facing Southwest and zodiacs who were born in the year of Tiger, Snake, Monkey and Boar to implement the Tai Sui cure.
You should display a Tai Sui Plaque in the SW area of your home. You can also carry the Tai Sui Card with you, or a Tai Sui Amulet key chain.

Tai Sui products for protection come in different options to choose from:

Tai Sui Card 
Tai Sui Plaque to hang or stand up on table
Tai Sui Key chains and charms

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