How to Quickly Feng Shui your Desk

12:59 PM

How to Feng Shui your Desk- Quickly!

Your desk is much like your Bagua map. Draw your own Bagua map just like ours and start organizing your desk according to it. By organizing, you’re not only getting rid of clutter and old chi, but you’re also “placing” your elements in the correct energy position. Remember, Feng Shui is the study of placement in the right directions to generate the right energies for the right purposes, plus at work you will definitely feel differently. Great!

  • Relationship Area (Far Right)- In this spot, you can place photos of family members, spouse or lovers. This is really positive in this area. Make sure to keep free of clutter.
  • Wealth & Fame Area (Far Left, Far Center)- This area not only represents prosperity, it represents your self-esteem, your success and your self-empowerment, so empower it! Any element that represents your successes is great in this area. Also create motion, place a nice water fountain, representing wealth flow and running elemental energies.
  • Creativity Area (Right)- Creativity is important even If your job is not necessarily to design, creativity is used at all times. When you need to resolve issues, find a new way to complete a task, etc. The color GREEN and plants will definitely boost creativity, especially bamboo plants. Green is also for concentration, so keep a small plant of your choice in this area if possible.
  • Career & Self Areas (In Front)- Be it the image on your desktop or a nice “vision board” place imagery that inspires you to keep going. Inspire yourself constantly with images that represent what you most desire to accomplish.

  •    As always, keep control of your clutter. Be careful with wires, these represent entanglement, keep them well organized!
  • Your desk arrangement, just like the Bagua map, must be kept organized for the entire week for the best results.
  •    Get rid of that “junk drawer”. We know everyone has one. Anything that won’t serve you in the future can go.

We hope these Feng Shui desk tips helped you organize your Feng Shui desk. These are the most representative areas in one’s career or job. Enjoy it!
Visit our Feng Shui for Office Desks for cures and enhancers you can place on your desk.

Inspiring your Feng Shui Journey

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