8 Feng Shui tips for Scholastic Luck- It's Back to School!

2:10 PM

It’s back to school and it’s time to get prepped for a new school year!
Follow these 10 Feng Shui tips for education and success for the best school year yet.

feng shui for school

This time of year is basically about going from mall to mall or store to store in search of materials, a new uniform, outfits or shoes for your children to start a fresh year. These things are obviously necessary; however, it’s not too probable that these materials will actually benefit your children’s success like a new room arrangement. According to Feng Shui when a child’s room is arranged well it can really impact study habits and thus fully, good grades and more achievements.  Feng Shui is about harmony in all spaces, it’s about creating balance. The same goes for a child’s study room, (in most cases the bedroom) if well balanced, there will be great differences in this school year, and we all want success for them right?

The 10 Feng Shui Guidelines for School Success.

1.     Space clearing:
Just like starting a new year, starting a new school year is much the same. Cleansing your child’s study room or education corner is important, to enhance their scholastic success!

  It means clearing the energy of a past summer to begin the school year with renewed Chi, ready to take at the challenges this new stage will bring and staying focused. Burn Cedar Tips or Smudge to get the job done.

2.    Removing unnecessary storage from under the bed.
Yes, we all know that little secret in which we, or our children, keep certain things they don’t use under the bed. This clutter can block the Chi flow, creating stagnation which leads to sleep issues. As we all know, a good night’s sleep is the necessary fuel we all need for the next day. So, it’s super important!

But hey, if you really have to keep some things under the bed, we do suggest only keeping extra blankets or sheets, maybe some books, or some towels.  So no “pointing” objects block any flow of chi. 

feng shui unclutter

3.     Creating a study area in the room.

A desk for your child is a must when it comes to creating a study atmosphere. Sometimes, their “study desk” is on the bed, floor, or dining room table. They need to have their own desk for study, where they feel it has that purpose only. 

Position the desk so that your child can see the door from the room, the desk should not be positioned where the child must sit with his or her back to the door, this is an insecure position. If there is no room at all, create a study area somewhere else, and remember it must only have the purpose of studying.

feng shui for children

4.     Computers.
Computers give off electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) which have negative effects on the energy of any room, especially if it’s where you sleep, since it disturbs it. 
You can resolve this by simply shutting off all electronic devices at night and protecting your kids with Black Tourmaline Stones as the best EMF deflector.  Also, you will need to position the computer away from the bed, if the room is too small to achieve this, simply place a bowl of these tourmaline crystals on the desk to absorb the EMFs radiation, to better the concentration of the student and enhance their education sector.

feng shui tourmeline stones study

5.     Displaying a crystal globe for study & education luck, maps and posters of planets.
The globe will wake curiosity. Its clearness represents a clear day that opens up possibilities ahead, this product will for sure enhance the desk and education luck of the student. Also, maps are grounding symbols and planets or stars will expand projects and horizons and motivate education success.

feng shui for study luck

6.     Showing achievements.
Whatever your child achieves, be it good grades, a start on an exciting project, a pass on a big exam, an award, art, report cards, it all needs to be showcased, because it is super motivating for your child to know what he or she is achieving during the year!
 Don’t keep these important belongings away in a folder, show them! This achievement display area can be a bulletin board placed near the child’s desk. 
They're also super convenient to keep schedules and activities organized.

feng shui for school success

7.    Cleaning the Windows.
In Feng Shui windows represent the eyes, so dirty windows, means a foggy vision and success can’t be achieved with a cloudy or uncertain vision right? Clean those regularly to keep vision perfectly opened.

feng shui for study

8.     Making space for materials.

Say no to clutter, there must be a spot for everything. There should be a spot where your child can hang coats, take off their shoes, leave their backpacks and school materials. Also, never place books on the stairs; because anyone who uses the stairs will be stepping over the books, this symbolically puts education “under your feet” or “forgotten”, we don’t want that, do we?

feng shui tips for study

Guiding your Feng Shui Journey

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