Quick Feng Shui for Bathrooms

"Bathrooms have predominant Water Feng Shui element energy."

The main energetic problem posed by bathrooms involves their drains; blocking them up helps avoid the loss of chi. we recommend that you keep a stopper in the tub and the shower and sink drains when they are not in use. Both of these cures help to retain energy in the house, and in your life.

You can minimize the Feng Shui problem of the bathroom using the cures given in this section. These solutions can make your home healthier and wealthier. 

Bathrooms in the SouthWest:

If your bathroom is located in the Love and Marriage area (SouthWest), think about strengthening its Feng Shui Earth Element. Also, fires is good in the SW, consider painting, for example, in a red or warm earthy tone.
Bathrooms in the West and NorthWest:
The Water Feng Shui element weakens the Metal element, fix it by strengthening the Metal energy and weakening the Water energy (by covering the drains). Avoid black and blue colors, consider painting in sandy colors, light yellow, white or grey.
Bathrooms in the Feng Shui Wealth Area:
Strengthen the Wood, Water, and Earth elements by paiting in brown, green, blue, black, sandy or light beige. Also, you may decorate with wealth symbols, a variety of crystals like Amethyst, Quartz and others, bamboo plants in count or 8 stalks for wealth.


  • Keep the bathroom door closed at all times.
  • Hide all drains.
  • Make your bathroom as similar as you can to a spa. Make sure to create a spa-like feel in your bathroom.
  • Repair all leaks in your bathroom.
  • Hang a faceted crystal ball in the center of the bathroom ceiling.
  • Place growing bamboo plants.
  • Above the toilet, hang a five solid bars windchime to push down the toilet
  • Always reduce water symbolism in bathrooms to avoid a dominant energy.
  • Always keep the toilet seat down because the bathroom has the most leakage of energy.
  • Always keep this space very clean and free from clutter. 
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