The Feng Shui Salt Cure

4:30 PM

The salt cure is a perfect, static cure, to dispose of negative energies and replace it with pure chi. 
We recommend you give this a try! We are sure you home will benefit greatly from it.
The salt cure is used to reverse the negative energies caused by the negative flying stars and any other negative energy you might be experiencing at home, or just for cleansing purposes.

The Negative Flying Stars this cure must be used for are: #2 - #3 - #5
These stars represent an element that is weaker than metal, this is why a strong metal cure is needed to really subdue their negative consequences. Pay attention if these stars are located anywhere you spend a lot of time in, for example: kitchen, living room, main entrance, or the home office. In this case the salt cure should definitely be activated. (for more information about 2016 flying star location, visit this chart)

If the star is located in an area with a bathroom or storage space, or if it is an unused space, you will not need to apply it as it will not be affected as much.

Understanding the use of Salt as a cure:
Since ancient times and as an ancient mineral, salt is known for its active cleansing properties. It has the capability to absorb any negativity quickly.

We will be combining salt and water, along with a chemical reaction between metal ( coins)  and salt.  Altogether, we are creating a very strong purifier.

4 Steps to activate your cure: (our salt cure comes ready to use)

  1.      Fill the container with cleansing salt
  2.      Arrange the six Chinese coins with the “Yang” side facing up
  3.      Fill the container with water almost in full 
  4.      Place the container over a mat or cloth to protect the floor surface.

Make sure the cure is placed somewhere that can be reached easily, you will need to add water as needed.

You should know that the cure will change over time, depending on the amount of negative energy it will receive. It may build-up a lot of salt crystals and even over flow from the edges. If this occurs, you should change the cure more than once a year.

Get your salt cure by UFS HERE

Inspiring your Feng Shui Journey

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