Unique Feng Shui Blog: Tai Sui 2015

Tai Sui 2015

11:10 AM

tai sui 2015

The Tai Sui is the most feared and respected diety in Chinese beliefs. He must not be disturbed wherever his star falls in the current year. 

 3 Ways to Appease the Tai Sui in 2015
  • Avoid sitting, facing or sleeping towards the Tai Sui direction of your home.
  • Avoid construction or repair work in this area of the home. If this location is disturbed, members in the household will have to face a tough year with much arguments and sicknesses
  • Carry protective amulets: Remember, the Tai Sui is very fond of his pet the "Pi Yao" if you carry these types of protective amulets in this area you will be able to appease him. Weather your sign is or isn't in direct conflict with the Tai Sui in 2015, you may carry these amulets for protection. 
Our 2015 catalogs will be available very soon! Updates weekly on Facebook & Twitter.


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