Feng Shui your Bathroom in 5 Easy Steps

2:35 PM

Feng Shui your Bathroom now, in just 5 Super Easy Steps.

feng shui bathroom 5 steps

Before we start, you do need to know how important your bathroom and its placement actually is.
The main energetic issue in your bathroom involves the drains, this is where chi is lost if the drain issue is not taken care of. You can cover your drains in different ways to prevent this, once you cover them, you can help retain energy in the house, and in your life. The solutions we’re about to give you, will can make your home wealthier and healthier.

1.   Where is your bathroom located?
Depending on its location, you need to enhance or subdue certain elements, take a look:
·         Bathroom in the SouthWest (Love & Marriage area)-
Strengthen the Earth Element. Fire is also good in this area; consider painting a small portion of the bathroom in a color that represents fire, such as orange, purples or reds. You can also strengthen this element by usually placing candles or by lighting scents.
·         Bathroom in the West & Northwest.
In this case you need to strengthen the Metal element, by subduing the Water element. Consider painting in sandy colors. Avoid blacks and blues. Do place circular figures or mirrors.
·         Bathroom in the Wealth Area
Strengthen Wood, Water and Earth. Paint in brown, green, blue, black, sandy or light beige. You can decorate with simple wealth symbols. Crystals like Amethyst, quartz and others. For the Wood element place 8 Bamboo Stalks. You can also place certain plants to energize the green. 

2.   Hide all drains.
You can do this by placing a mirror above the drain to reverse the downward effect.
You may also place lose stones such as, clear quartz or amethyst on the drains themselves. Obviously this is a solution if you are sure they won’t be falling inside.

3.   Hang a crystal in the Center
No matter where your bathroom is located, a faceted crystal ball in thecenter will definitely bring balance into this area.

4.   Keep the toilet seat down.
More than a step, this is a reminder. Since this is where the most leakage of energy happens, you must keep the toilet seat down at all times.

5.   Keep the space as clean as possible
This is a Feng Shui rule you must read and hear a lot, it just simply goes for all areas!
We hope this information is useful and that you will be able to have a great Feng Shui bathroom. As always, if you have any questions about this, or any other posts, you can always chat with us!

Inspiring your Feng Shui Journey

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